Do you own a vehicle that constantly needs servicing? Do you find yourself taking your car to the shop again and again for the same problems? If you purchased a new car in Florida, the Florida lemon law could help you get a buyback or vehicle replacement.

If you think that your new car in Florida is a lemon, the best course of action is to contact an experienced Florida lemon law attorney. First and foremost, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of Florida’s Lemon Law so you know what to if you need to use it.

Is My Car a Lemon?

There are several criteria a vehicle must meet in the state of Florida to qualify as a lemon. Lemons refer to vehicles with faulty or malfunctioning parts. The first qualifier in Florida is that car must be new. Second, the vehicle’s manufacturer or dealership must have tried to remedy the issues a reasonable number of times or within a reasonable time frame. If the manufacturer or dealership is unable to fix the substantial defect after a reasonable number of attempts (in Florida the number is three), and the owner of the car has provided for one final attempt and still sees no resolve, the car may be considered a lemon.  

Each state has its own specifications for qualifying time periods, substantial defects, and new vs. used cars when labeling them as lemons. Florida does not cover used cars in its lemon law.

Defining the Florida Lemon Law

In Florida, if a car cannot be fixed after a reasonable number of repair attempts the manufacturer or car dealership is required to provide either a buyback or vehicle replacement, depending on the customer’s wishes. In addition to the three repair attempts by a manufacturer, the customer must provide one final opportunity for the repair to be made.

The aforementioned attempts at repair must all be in pursuit of remedying one specific issue or nonconformity. While a car with numerous repair attempts involving a variety of problems may still be a lemon, in order to utilize the Florida lemon law to your advantage, the three repair attempts must apply to the same problem. The more problems there are, however, the more reason there will be for the vehicle to qualify as a lemon and the customer to get a replacement or buyback.

The Best Outcome for Lemons

Following all the rules pertaining to the Florida lemon law and hiring an experienced lemon law attorney, are the two smartest things a person can do if they think their vehicle is a lemon.  

Just because arbitration for Florida lemon law vehicles is not conducted in court does not mean that car owners do not need attorneys. Car dealerships and manufacturers have top-notch legal teams to protect their interests, so it is important that you do as well.

Use Florida’s Lemon Law to Your Advantage

If you suspect that your car is a Florida lemon, turn to an expert legal team for assistance. For the best results, contact an experienced Florida lemon law attorney at We’ll help you get either a buyback or vehicle replacement by using Florida’s lemon law.

Contact us today for more information.